201All Course Registration Forms Located on Resources Page, click here.
Open to dogs that have not had formal agility training and are over the age of 6 months. This is a 7-week progressive course that covers all the basic fundamentals of agility, along with the obstacles. All the equipment is introduced at lower training height and gradually raised. Positive training methods are used, with lots of fun, toys and treats. This is a progressive course and attendance of at least five of seven classes is required to successfully complete the course. Successful completion of the beginner course allows the dog and handler to move into the Advanced Beginner Course to continue training.
Open to dogs that have completed a Beginner Agility course or equivalent and over the age of 6 months. This is a 7-week progressive course. This course is a continuation of building confidence on all obstacles while gradually building heights and difficulty while learning control off leash. Reliable contacts and fun weave poles is another aspect of this class. Positive training methods are used, with lots of fun, toys and treats. This is a progressive course and attendance of at least 5 classes is required to graduate. Graduation from Advanced Beginner Agility allows dog and handler to move either into a drop in basis to Advanced Beginner or onto Intermediate I level which is a drop in class. The Instructor of the course will determine the next level for you and your dog.
A Beginner Agility Course and a Beginner Obedience 101 Course (Advanced Beginner Obedience 201 highly recommended) are required for all dogs to enter this course. The basic foundation of obedience such as sit, down, stay, down, stay and off leash control is required and essential in the development of agility training. If you feel your dog meets these requirements without having participated in a Beginner Obedience 101 course or a Beginner Agility Course, an evaluation can be scheduled for you.
Open to all dogs that have completed Advanced Beginner Agility or equivalent training with Instructor approval. Dogs should be able to perform at least 6 weave polls, and working toward a full height teeter. Topics covered include: Increased understanding of handling cues and how they work together on course while running longer sequences.
This class will concentrate on skills for dogs already competing or handlers with young dogs who wish to compete. Each week we will concentrate on a specific skill, obstacle or handling technique, according to the level of the dog.
Your dog does not have to be proficient on all of the obstacles as we will work to the level of each team.
This 6-week progressive course is open to dogs and handlers currently competing at the Masters/Excellent level or by pre-approval of instructor. Focus will be on running sequences efficiently to tighten up turns, get better lines on course and more speed. Concentration will be on using the proper cues to effectively give the dog information. Dogs must be proficient on all obstacles including competition weave poles. It is encouraged for dogs to have good start line stays to not take up class time.