All Course Registration Forms Located on Resources Page, click here.
We offer many seasonal workshops, clinics and courses such as Therapy Dog Prep, Cooperative Handling, Control Unleash, Reactive Dog, Puppy Agility, and many more not listed below. Follow us on Facebook or give us a call to learn all about it.
This is a 3 week prep course followed by the test on the 4th week. The purpose of the Canine Good Citizen program is to ensure that our favorite companion, the dog, can be a respected member of the community because it is trained to act mannerly in the home, in public places and in the presence of other dogs. This preparation course welcomes both pure-bred and mix breed dogs. The test is non-competitive and all dogs who pass all 10 items will receive a certificate (that you must submit) from the American Kennel Club. As students of the Canine Sports Center all that pass will receive our CGC patch offered by the AKC as well as our Canine Sports Center signature bandanas for those that do not have one already. Order forms will be available for those wishing to purchase additional CGC items from the AKC.
Those only doing the test will be able to purchase a CGC patch for an additional fee upon passing. Order forms will be available if you wish to purchase additional CGC items from the AKC.
*Pre-requisite: Completion of CSC’s Basic Beginner Obedience 101 (or equivalent). Completion of CSC’s Advance Beginner Obedience 201 (or equivalent) is highly recommended.
This is not a basic obedience skills course and this should be taken into consideration when enrolling. Please bring a brush your dog is familiar with to the class sessions and test.
AKC Community Canine is the advanced level of the AKC Canine Good Citizen program. As with CGC, AKC Community Canine has a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC Community Canine title. This is a title that appears on the dog’s title record at AKC. This is available to both Purebred and Mixed breeds.
All skills on the test are tested on leash. The AKC Community Canine test may be done in a class, at shows, in a pet store or in community. We offer this as a 4 week drop in. Sign up for all 4 or do one at a time. Three weeks of prep and Week 4 is test. Test only is also available.
Consider week 5 Bonus-Tricks!
AKC Urban CGC requires dogs that demonstrate CGC skills and beyond in a setting that includes traffic, crowds, noises, smells, and other distractions that are present in a city or town. As the Canine Good Citizen, AKC Urban CGC is a 10-step test of skills that dogs must pass to earn the official AKC Urban CGC title. This is a title that appears on the dog’s title record at AKC.
AKC Urban CGC is a public access test that demonstrates dogs are well behaved and well-trained when in public settings The Urban CGC test can be used by dog-friendly business (e.g., lodging, retail, transportation, public facilities) to recognize and accept dogs with good manners. This is available for both purebreds and Mix breeds.
We offer this as a 4 week drop in. Sign up for all 4 or do one at a time. Three weeks of prep and Week 4 is test. Test only is also available. Consider week 5 bonus-Tricks!
An exciting activity for you and your dog! All dogs can earn a title-Purebred or Mix breed. There are various title levels you can earn and you get to pick the tricks to perform!
Already have your Canine Good Citizen title (CGC)? Your dog will only need to perform 5 tricks as the CGC counts as 5 already performed.
Does your dog need more work in an outside setting, with new distractions and new dogs? The Out and About Drop in class is for you. This drop in class gives owners and dogs a chance to work on walking and obedience in a group setting in different locations. The class meets on Tuesdays evenings weather permitting at 6:00-7:00 pm in various locations in Litchfield County. The group decides where they would like to meet on a weekly basis Our Beginner Obedience 101 is a requirement to attend and sign up required so we know to expect you.
This is a seasonal class offered late Spring to Fall.
Rally is a sport in which the dog and handler move through a pre-determined course of signs. Rally is fun, interactive and a great way to practice obedience with with your dog. This is a drop in class and requires graduation of our Advanced Beginner Obedience 201 is required.
For the owner who is dealing with situations that a class environment would not be ideal. Instructors will meet with the owner to evaluate the situation and begin developing a behavior modification program. Contact our office for more information and to be contacted by an Instructor.